- trans-Form
- fтрансформа
Deutsch-Russische Wörterbuch der Chemie. 2014.
Deutsch-Russische Wörterbuch der Chemie. 2014.
trans|form — «verb. trans FRM; noun. TRANS FRM», verb, noun. –v.t. 1. to change in form or appearance: »The blizzard transformed the bushes into mounds of white. 2. to change in condition, nature, or character: »The witch transformed men into pigs. To… … Useful english dictionary
trans|form|er — «trans FR muhr», noun. 1. a person or thing that transforms. 2. a device for changing an alternating electric current into one of higher or lower voltage by electromagnetic induction. The first is called a step up transformer, and the second a… … Useful english dictionary
trans|form´a|ble — trans|form «verb. trans FRM; noun. TRANS FRM», verb, noun. –v.t. 1. to change in form or appearance: »The blizzard transformed the bushes into mounds of white. 2. to change in condition, nature, or character: »The witch transformed men into pigs … Useful english dictionary
trans|form|a|tive — «trans FR muh tihv», adjective. tending or serving to transform … Useful english dictionary
trans|form|ism — «trans FR mihz uhm», noun. Biology. 1. the doctrine that species transform into other species by descent with modification through many generations. 2. such transformation itself. 3. the doctrine of evolution of species … Useful english dictionary
trans|form|ist — «trans FR mihst», noun. an advocate of transformism … Useful english dictionary
Trans-Form — Trạns Form 〈f.; Gen.: , Pl.: en; Chemie; Med.〉 eine der beiden möglichen isomeren Formen bei der Cis trans Isomerie; Syn. Antiform [Etym.: <Trans …] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Trans-Form — Trạns Form 〈f. 20; Chem.; Med.〉 eine der beiden möglichen isomeren Formen bei der Cis trans Isomerie; Sy Antiform … Universal-Lexikon
trans·form·er — /trænsˈfoɚmɚ/ noun, pl ers [count] technical : a device that changes the voltage of an electric current … Useful english dictionary
re|trans|form — «REE trans FRM», transitive verb. to transform again or to a previous state. –re´trans|for|ma´tion, noun … Useful english dictionary
au|to|trans|form|er — « toh trans FR muhr», noun. a transformer in which part of the primary coil serves also as a secondary, or part of the secondary as the primary coil; compensator … Useful english dictionary